NAIFA-South Dakota Blog

NAIFA-South Dakota Legislative Report: Week 2

Written by Darla Pollman Rogers | Jan 28, 2025 11:31:42 PM

South Dakota Legislative Updates will be held by Zoom every other Friday beginning January 31st at noon Central Time.

Kristi Noem was confirmed as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on January 25, 2025 (59-34), and immediately submitted her letter of resignation as governor of the state of South Dakota. Larry Rhoden is now our 34th Governor. Governor Rhoden addressed a joint session of the Senate and House on January 28th. He is committed to keeping South Dakota strong, safe, and free. He has not yet not named his choice for Lt. Governor. The Governor's inauguration will be held on February 8th.

Bills are being filed daily with 124 House bills and 115 Senate bills.

 Following are the bills that we are tracking:



HB 1070: An Act to prohibit cost-sharing in certain health insurance policies for diagnostic and supplemental breast imaging examinations. NAIFA Position: Oppose

SB 87: An Act to address preauthorization requirements for certain health care services and utilization review requirements for certain health benefit plans.

HB 1019: An Act to eliminate certain property taxes levied on owner-occupied single-family dwellings, and to increase certain gross receipt tax rates and use tax rates.

HB 1024: An Act to amend certain fees collected by the Secretary of State.

HB 1037: An Act to repeal the tax collection allowance credit for filing returns and remitting taxes electronically.

HB 1048: An Act to require that cash be accepted for certain transactions.

HB 1061: An Act to prohibit a health care provider from restricting or denying a parent of guardian's access to certain medical records and other health information of a minor.

HB 1078: An Act to establish provisions related to the disclosure of COVID-19 vaccination status and blood donations.

HB 1098: An Act to make an appropriation to the Department of Human Services for reimbursing the cost of respite care services for caregivers of individuals with dementia and to declare and emergency.

HB 1101: An Act to repeal provisions related to medical marijuana.

HB 1102: An Act to require the submission of medical, dental, and pharmaceutical claims data to the Division of Insurance and to establish a health care data system.

HB 1111: An Act to make an appropriation for grants to support the purchase of telehealth kiosks.

HB 1112: An Act to require the coverage of biomarker testing in certain health insurance policies.

HB 1117: An Act to modify requirements on the use of mobile electronic devices while driving.

HJR 5001: Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, conditioning the requirement of expanded Medicaid on the level of federal medical assistance.

SB 26: An Act to reduce employer contribution rates and increase the administrative fee rate for reemployment assistance.

SB 29: An Act to amend provisions regarding the Division of Insurance and the former Division of Securities operating fund.

SB 30: An Act to remove outdated provisions within the insurance code.

SB 93: An Act to prohibit payment of rebate of insurance deductibles by contractors providing motor vehicle repair services.